domingo, 5 de junho de 2016

| after 2 years... and now, i'm thinking about coffee. |

I don't know if you do like coffee.
But in times like these, i guess the perfect analogy fits with the essence of this drink.
Coffe has a bitter taste. You can think this taste as the course of your life. In your days, you can put a bit of sugar in it, and then, the things should be better. In other times, you try the bitter taste and you can like it. The bitter taste of life is the real taste of it. But suddenly, soon or later, the worst ever taste become.. it is the bitter ever because you lost the measure, or the time of the coffee..and you can't run out of it. The taste of death put an end to an adventure that began earlier.
An adventure that could put in the world a family, a life, a legacy.
So, live the life with sugar or with no sugar, but never let the present moment pass through you. Don't let the time take away the things that you should had done, because sometimes, there is no more time and no more coffee.